I didn’t want to go another week without writing. We’re in Mexico for our yearly vacation. Lost another dear friend last week.  Making as many memories as possible while I’m here on this earth. Life is too short. Family is the most important thing in life.

The older I get, the more I try not to sweat the little things. It’s hard though letting go of past inbred emotions and feelings. Years of thinking a certain way is hard to let go of overnight.

One of the reasons I started recording cooking videos on YouTube “Nanny’s Italian Kitchen” is because just in case I don’t start writing my second cookbook Nanny’s Every Day Italian Soul Food, my children would at least have recordings of the recipes.

I’ve also starting writing down recipes too so they have all my recipes, including my baking recipes. In case you didn’t notice, I don’t record any of my baking. That’s because of OMG Cakes, Inc. Started that baking company in 2008 making specialty cakes which I developed over the years.

Don’t wait for that trip, or a special occasion for that outfit you bought. Do it now! You never know what’s going to happen tomorrow.

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Vacation 2018

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