The children of today have it easy and also they have it hard.  That is to say, they have all this new technology that they use at school and at home which helps them educationally as well as creatively. They can find out anything they need to know on the Internet.

However, it’s hard on them because they are set up to higher standards.  What I mean by that is so much more is expected of them.  The excessive amount of homework they get starting in Kindergarten.  It’s ridiculous.  They are in school for eight hours, learning, studying, socializing and being children.  Why do they have to come home and do three hours worth of homework?  It’s like torture for the parents because the kids are so “done” by 3:30 the last thing they want to do is more school work!  They fidget and squirm and what could take 30 minutes takes them two hours.  I don’t ever remember getting that much homework.  Do you?

Then again they have to meet specific criteria in school and there is so much bullying going on that it breaks my heart when I hear about it.  My Lord, even children in grammar school. We never had bullying in school.  If someone bullied anyone when I was in grammar school, all they would have to do is fight back and that was the end of the story.  Today you have to fear that someone is filming you on their cell phone or you are going to be sued or worse, arrested for assault.  We were told to fight back, but God Forbid you should tell that to your children today then you would be a bad parent and your children would be taken from you by Protective Services.  I think that is taking it too far at times.  Don’t get me wrong if a child is being abused, by all means take the parents to the pound and throw away the key.

And what about discipline?  Children today are coddled.  When one of our teachers asked to see a parent in school and the teacher told them we were behaving poorly, we got the wooden spoon.  If you were in Catholic School, the nuns would keep you in line; although I’m not a proponent of anyone hitting my children or grandchildren. Today the teachers are afraid to even open their mouths.  Many of the parents today will reprimand the teacher instead of disciplining their children.  What happened?  When did it get this way?  I’m flabbergasted!

Another issue I have is with the parents and children in sports.  The parents are lunatics on the ball field.  I’ve seen parents get in a fight and practically come to blows over their kids in a Little League game.  What’s that all about?  The kids are so afraid that they are going to disappoint their parents if they don’t do exceptionally well in sports, that some of them don’t even want to participate.  Jeez, let them be kids and have fun without all the drama.

I say let them enjoy their childhood. You’re only young once. Time goes by so swiftly.  Before you know it, you’re a grandparent.

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The Children of Today

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