Struffoli, Turdilli, Angeletti and Walnut balls

When the holidays come to an end and all of the decorations are put away, the cooking, baking and eating are done, there is always a sense of sadness. Another year gone by. What did I accomplish in the year past? Will I stick to my resolutions? Thankfully I’m still here and kicking!

Accomplishing My Goals

Do you find yourself looking back and saying “I gave up too soon.” Well I have. Why didn’t I keep going? Why did I throw in the towel? Where would I be today if I had just continued?

I’ve decided that this year will be the year that I accomplish what I set out to do…my resolutions, my goals, and not giving up on any of them prematurely. Upon reflection, in years gone by I have started so many ventures and made so many attempts to change myself or my environment, and gave up on them too soon. My mind is made up…I am going to see everything through to fruition even if it kills me and it might.

Fighting Weight

My first goal is,as prizefighters would say, “getting back to my fighting weight.” After I looked at myself in some photos that my Paparazzi daughter Nicki took during the holidays I’m more determined than ever. I am going to plant one of those pictures on my refrigerator door and look at it every time I open it. I’ve decided to give the Keto diet another chance. I started it during this past summer and was doing well losing 10 pounds in a month (which is good for me) until we went on vacation…Wha Wha Wha!!!

Setting Goals

They say (who are they?) that you have to allow any undertaking at least six months before it begins to show progress and more than a year to be successful at it. Well I’m definitely going to hang in there. I think the biggest obstacle I had was worrying about what people will say. I’ve come to the conclusion that the people who care and love me will support me no matter what. The people who criticize, ridicule or mock me don’t really care about me anyway so why do I give a shit!

Making A Move Is Difficult

I’m tired of the New York winters too, but it’s so difficult trying to decide where would be best to move. My ideal place would be where there are three seasons…no winter of course and definitely no snow. My sons would come with me wherever I decide to go. I think about moving away from my daughter and her family and that always gives me pause. My grandsons are at an age where they would find it difficult to start fresh somewhere else, but with today’s technology that shouldn’t be too hard. They are on their computers locked away in their rooms half the time anyway. In any event I would miss them terribly. That’s why I have to convince them to come with me wherever I go. We can all decide together. Any suggestions?

A Simple Life

When we moved from East Harlem in the 50’s and 60’s, it was a natural progression to travel to either the Bronx, Long Island or Jersey. Most of the people I knew moved to the Bronx, either Country Club, Throggs Neck or Pelham Bay. Life’s not that simple anymore.

Willis Avenue Bridge

I remember the time when I was growing up in East Harlem we thought the Bronx was the country. Ha Ha. At 11 years old I convinced my cousin Ann Tocco. who was 10, to stay out of school and walk with me from East Harlem and 115th Street to 221st Street and White Plains Road in the Bronx where my sister Ann and her husband Ralph lived. When I think back on it, it was crazy.

I always had a great sense of direction. We walked up First Avenue, over the Willis Avenue Bridge, onto Bruckner Expressway (though it wasn’t an expressway then), to the Bronx River Parkway, to White Plains Road, to 221st Street where they lived. My cousin Ann kept asking “Are we there yet?” When we finally got there my sister Ann and her husband Ralph couldn’t believe we had walked all that way. I looked it up…it’s only 10 miles, but to us it was like 100 miles because it was on foot.

They say mindset is everything (there “they” go again) and when I reach each milestone, I’ll let you know. Notice how I said “when” and not “if.” However long it takes. Until next time. Happy New Year.

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Holidays Are Over

4 thoughts on “Holidays Are Over

  • January 8, 2019 at 1:38 am

    Happy New Year! I love your blogs, your YouTube channel and well just everything. Go kick your goals out of the park, you have something special that people love and that is something to be proud of!!! Oh and p.s. you were beautiful then, you are beautiful now and you are beautiful always.

    • January 9, 2019 at 7:18 pm

      Thank you so much Kelly for your kind words. I’m glad you enjoy my blogs and YouTube Channel. It gives me such pleasure to know that they are truly appreciated.
      Happy New Year

  • January 10, 2019 at 2:59 am

    If you like the 3 seasons there is only one place to go and that’s north Carolina.
    Wilmington is beautiful and by the sea.
    Good luck with your endeavors

    • January 16, 2019 at 9:00 pm

      I was considering North Carolina, but there has been snow there lately. I’ll check out Wilmington though.


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