Hedy’s Cookbook
“Mangia, It’s Good For You!”

MacAndMeatballsEvery generation loses a lit bit of their heritage. They also lose a few recipes along the way; maybe the children didn’t like a particular dish or maybe they aren’t really into cooking. For whatever reason something always seems to get lost and we lose bits and pieces of what used to be. This is the very reason I wrote this cookbook, so my children and especially my grandchildren will have a little bit of tradition from their ancestors during the holidays.

My cookbook “Mangia, It’s Good For You!” How to Cook Like an Italian for the Holidays, is a culmination of old school Neapolitan Italian recipes. It showcases many of the recipes my mother and my aunts taught me when I was a young girl. I would stand on a step stool so I could reach the stove while Mom gave me instructions. Some of these recipes I still make to this day. Of course I also know some Sicilian recipes since my grandfather came from Sicily, Italy. They were the recipes we cooked every day, on Sundays, Thanksgiving, Easter and during the Christmas holidays.

I hope you will enjoy my cookbook and these recipes. Even if you are not Italian, with this cookbook you can “Cook Like an Italian for the Holidays”.  You can purchase a hard copy of my cookbook, but if you prefer I can also send you an ebook.  Email me for more information hedytaranto@gmail.com. 

Mangia Cover


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2 thoughts on “Cookbook

  • May 6, 2018 at 8:17 pm

    Shipping to Canada and International shipping is extra, depending on the country.

    • May 24, 2018 at 8:53 pm

      You can always order an ebook, which I will send you immediately after receiving payment.

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